From Me to You: 7 Things Everyone Should Understand



As you know from reading previous posts, I am hardcore about equality for all and caring about the well-being of others. Rarely do you see individuals go out of their way to do a good service for others or fully accept another human being that is different from them. These 7 things are on my mind quite often, and I bite my tongue when people say totally unfair things about others. I would like you to take a moment to reflect on each of these things. How do you really think about them? What if your best friend, or a family member fell into one of these things, would you still love and accept them? I really hope so.

Okay, here it goes:

From Me to You: 7 Things I Wish Everyone Would Understand

1. Just because a family is collecting food stamps, doesn’t mean they don’t deserve a lobster dinner.

So, you’re in line at your local grocery store. You see a young family with what you see as expensive items in their cart. Then you proceed to see them swipe their EBT card and are immediately appalled. You think, ‘What?! You mean I am paying taxes for those people to purchase these kinds of things?! How does our government allow this to happen?!’ Come on now people. Listen to yourself. How selfish is that? There are so many people I know who have applied for food stamps, make a little over minimum wage at 24 hours a week and STILL make too much money to receive food stamps. Just because people need help from what the government provides ALL of us to utilize, doesn’t mean you are better than them or that they don’t deserve to provide themselves or their families with nice things every once in a while.


2. Stop saying “That’s Gay,” “You’re Gay,” etc, etc.

It’s a horrible habit that just about everyone has, heck I even catch myself saying it sometimes and I consider myself one of the biggest advocates for homosexuals. There is nothing wrong with someone being Gay, so stop putting it onto someone or something as being negative. And don’t say “Oh, I meant they are happy!” Because you know what I mean. This also coincides with “That’s retarded, you’re retarded,” etc.

Here are some other words that hurt and why:


3. Gender Roles are so 1,000 years ago.

Okay guys, it is 2015. Men and Women do not have specific “jobs” they have to do in their relationships anymore, and if that is occurring, that’s just plain silly. The most important thing is that the relationship is a partnership. Meaning, the two of you come together with your skills and strengths while maintaining a balanced give and take. For instance, in our apartment, when Walter (my boyfriend) cooks (which is 99% of the time), I clean the dishes. When I cook the other 0.99% of the time (and no I have no shame in only knowing how to master mac n’ cheese and pop tarts), he cleans the dishes. Walter always puts the laundry in the washer and dryer, and I fold it and put it away. And guess what guys..I even take out the trash. Woah. We have a balanced system to ensure we are both doing our part and working TOGETHER to make sure the household tasks are completed regularly.  So quit telling your spouse “that’s a man/woman’s job, I’m not doing that!” Because you’re just going to make an A(idiot)** of yourself. Or like my little brother, who told my parents at dinner that doing dishes was “women’s work” and that he shouldn’t have to do it. Guess who did dishes every night for literally everyday the next year? Yup, you guessed it. He’ll tell you today he deserved that consequence.

4. Feminists aren’t just about women’s rights.

Feminists are about the equality of all, not just women. Feminists believe that men don’t need to be told to “man up.” In all seriousness, why is that a thing? Why is it a negative thing when a man cries? It’s not. Some of my brothers are emotional and cry often, and I can tell you they have the biggest hearts in the world and would do anything in the world for you. And Feminists are rad, not crazy, so educate yourself and stop being weird.


5. Love is Love

You may have a million reasons why you think homosexuality is wrong, but I bet you haven’t found one that directly affects you as a heterosexual individual. There is nothing wrong with a man loving another man, a woman loving another woman, or an individual loving both men and women. It doesn’t affect you whatsoever. Love is beautiful, and if a man is enjoying his stroll in the park hand in hand with another man, that is just as beautiful as observing a heterosexual couple walking hand in hand. How would you feel if you were hated and judged just because of the person you loved? I asked my father one afternoon what he thought of homosexuals being legally allowed to marry, hoping for him to agree, he simply replied. “Hell, I don’t see anything wrong with it. Let them get married and be miserable like the rest of us.” MARRIAGE is the unity of two people who commit to love each other forever. So why are Congress members fighting over legalizing everyone to get married if they want to? It’s not “Gay marriage” it’s Marriage. Just like anyone else who wants to get married. Pass it and move on, you already made homosexuals suffer enough.

6. Hit the bass, Drop the Stereo-type.

Okay, yes that was corny but let’s be real. It has been scientifically proven all over the world that diversity in a group produces the BEST product. Think about it, having a perspective from each culture and bringing it to the table in order to create something great, will turn out better than great. Every culture is beautiful, every culture is unique and has something to offer. To most Caucasian individuals, we aren’t better than everyone else. Quit. Yes they actually do deserve to live in this country even if they do not have good English. In high school I literally failed the test they give individuals working to gain citizenship in this country. I just got lucky and was born here… So stop being so ignorant and educate yourself on people who are different from you and see how they can help you be a better person. Immigrants have come a long way to be where they are today, even if they aren’t “legal.” No one is illegal. Stop calling immigrants “aliens” too. I’m pretty sure they didn’t get here with a UFO and are green. Meet them where they are at and help them. Ten times out of ten they will help you, too. I’m pretty sure Rosetta Stone has a free app now? Just a thought. Carissathingssss

This also goes along with individuals who were born with a disability. I volunteered for a program my campus holds called THRIVE. The university gives college students my age who have developmental or intellectual disabilities a chance to earn a college degree. I tutored a woman who had Down’s Syndrome, and she was the kindest person I have and ever will have met. She accepted me the moment I met her, she hugged and kissed me on the cheek actually. It’s so sad that people do not accept people like her who are so kind, gentle, and immediately accepting of everyone no matter what.

7. There is no such thing as a “bad kid” or a “bad person”

I CRINGE when I hear a parent or guardian say “that little boy/girl is such a bad kid!” They are so wrong! Yes, they may be on the floor throwing a fit because they can’t figure out a game they want to play-but are they doing it to annoy you? No, they’re doing it because they want your love and attention and will do what it takes to get as such..even if it is negative attention. I am not a mother by any means, but children NEED love and attention to develop successfully. So stop wasting time being so negative and just cuddle that precious little life of yours.

Along with that, there is no such thing as an overall bad person either. We must learn to separate the person from the action. We may not like what the person is doing, but that doesn’t mean they are a bad person. People are so quick to judge individuals who are or have sexually abused children. Yes, we do not like the action they are doing, but have people ever thought what must have happened to the abuser when they were a child? Think about it.

I could make this list go on and on, but these are some of the main things that I think about. How did you feel throughout reading this? Were you able to reflect on these things and reevaluate your views and beliefs? Everyone’s ultimate goal is to reach the “American Dream.” Why not help each other get there?


Get out in the world and do a random act of kindness for a stranger in need, fully accept opressblogpeople for who they are no matter what, and never judge someone for the mistakes they have made.

Please post your thoughts in the comments below! Now go do something awesome for someone today!



Recognize Social Work, Too.


As some of you may know, I am a Social Work Major at the University I attend. All my life, I have always loved helping people, listening to people’s worries, issues, concerns, etc. and doing the best I can to help them. The Social Work Program that I am in is one of the best decisions I have ever made. It has taught me so many things about the need for social justice in that EVERYONE deserves an opportunity to be successful. Not going to lie, I came into social work with a few biases and stereotypical ideologies that were way out of reach in my consciousness that I didn’t realize I had (who doesn’t, as unfortunate and wrong as it is). Over the past three years, this program has brought these few things to the surface and helped to realize “wow, I don’t agree with this ideology I am supposed to agree with or this value I thought I was supposed to have.” Because truly, in all reality, everyone, from any color to any culture, to any kind of relationship, to any socioeconomic status, to any kind of ableism-ANYONE and EVERYONE deserves to live the best life possible and have the same amount of access as anyone else to resources they may need.

As social workers, we do everything we can to make sure that all needs are being met with our clients and within their communities-and if not, we do everything we can to provide the resources to do so. We’re basically super heroes without capes (however, that would be pretty cool if we got to wear capes.) Along with that, in cases where our clients are being withheld the right to gain access to resources they need and/or are being discriminated against in any way- we immediately put a stop to it and do everything in our power to help the individual.

In our free time, we also volunteer for different organizations representing a need in the community. Whether that is a Women’s Shelter, a Rehabilitation Center, a Homeless Shelter, the list could go on forever. We dedicate our entire lives to make a difference in someone’s life, everyday. And boy do we love it.

But unfortunately, when Social Work is portrayed in movies or t.v. shows, we are always considered the “bad guys who take kids away from their parents” It. Never. Fails. On that topic, that is literally one of the most popular reactions I get when I tell people that Social work is what I am going to school for. Here are some more popular responses I get:

1. “……oh.”

um, okay? Why? This conversation just got real weird.

2. “Okay, so what do you do besides take kids away from their homes?”

Okay, seriously? News flash: we do not even have the power to physically remove children from the home. Only police officers are able to do so (doctors also). WE can advise them to do so..and we ONLY do so if it is BEST for the child. Policies are being changed now through Social Services where the ultimate goal is to keep children in the home, as long as parent(s), with the help of their social worker, can do what they need to do to create a safer, and healthier environment for their children and for themselves. Rant over.

3. “Aww…I don’t know Carissa, you just have too big of a heart. I don’t think you could handle it”

Well, this may sound odd to you but my “big heart” is the reason why I am in social work! I have such compassion for others and helping them in anyway possible. I care for others. I am passionate about equality in the world. All of my clients will  face unbearable challenges, yet they are strong and courageous enough to come into my office seeking help? I think I can handle helping them get through those hard times and help them reach their goals. That is my passion and my job to do so. So, I can handle it. I WILL handle it. Thank you.

4. “HA, you will be making NO MONEY. Sucks for you to go through all of these schooling to be in thousands of dollars in student loan debt to come out and make no money.”

I am not in it for the income, I am in it for the outcome. I would do it for free if money wasn’t necessary for keeping a roof over my boyfriend and I’s head. I will pay off my student loan debt just like everyone else. Step off, man.

5. I could definitely see you as a social worker. You will be so awesome that! You have the perfect personality for it.

This is VERY rare, but when it happens it makes my heart smile. 🙂

So, as important as our first responders, doctors, nurses, and lawyers are..Social Workers are important too. We go through many, many hours of training and self-awareness to be the best we can be to help you.

Next time you see a social worker or are working with one, just give them a hug. (Trust me, they want to hug you they just aren’t allowed to unless you do 🙂 )

